Kung Fu: Bung Bo Kuen the Crushing Step of Seven Star Praying Mantis by Kevin Wikse
"If you intend to waste your time learning something other than Baguazhang, it should be Bung Bo Kuen. Anything else would be a complete waste of time." My Sifu said that to me over twenty years ago. I didn't strictly follow his advice, as I studied several other systems of Kung Fu. Still, I heeded his wisdom and did a dedicated practice of Bung Bo Kuen, or Crushing Step Fist. Bung Bo Kuen is an exceptionally ferocious set worthy of its Praying Mantis association. I am grateful I did. Crushing Step Fist is the foundational form for the Seven Star clan's Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu style. It sets a formidable pace and tone, a catalog of fast, heavy-handed techniques arranged in a highly logical fashion, dictating the military science and fighting strategy of the Seven Star clan. Crushing Step Fist subscribes to the theory that "the best defense is a strong offense." The Praying Mantis is a consummate hunter, and Bung Bo ...